T1–T4 in 3 (Minutes) Competition - Now accepting applications!
Are you a UTMB graduate student or postdoctoral fellow? Can explain your research in layman’s terms in less than three minutes?
The annual T1–T4 in 3 (Minutes) competition is an innovative contest from the Institute for Translational Sciences that challenges UTMB graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to effectively explain their translational research for a lay audience in three minutes or less. Enter today to compete in April for cash prizes.
- 1st Place: $750
- 2nd Place: $500
- 3rd Place: $250
- People’s Choice Award: $750
- Blackstone LaunchPad Award: $750
The contest will take place on Thursday, April 13, 2023 from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm at the UTMB Health Education Center, Room 1.200
Applications are due by 5 pm on March 8th. For more information and to submit, please use this link: https://redcap.utmb.edu/surveys/?s=CWWXMYDNCJ
Only 12 applications will be selected for the competition.
Questions: Contact Krista Bohn at (409) 772-1881 or krbohn@UTMB.EDU