Skip Menu Navigate: Select to Navigate... - BrainForward (ECHO) - Register - Submit Your Case - Virtual Networking Opportunities - Curriculum - Meet the Team - Resources - View Past Sessions BrainForward (ECHO) Register Submit Your Case Virtual Networking Opportunities Curriculum Meet the Team Resources View Past Sessions BrainForward Video Sessions Overcoming the Stigma Associated with Substance Use Disorder in Primary Care The Brief Negotiated Interview: Evidence and Strategies for SUD Providers Analgesia and Anesthesia for Patients with Substance Use Disorder BrainForward ECHO Introduction: Telementoring for Clinicians Providing Mental Health Care All Recorded Sessions BrainForward ECHO Videos Expand All Collapse All Overcoming the Stigma Associated with Substance Use Disorder in Primary Care The Brief Negotiated Interview: Evidence and Strategies for SUD Providers Analgesia and Anesthesia for Patients with Substance Use Disorder BrainForward ECHO Introduction: Telementoring for Clinicians Providing Mental Health Care 06/16/2022 - New Directions for Medication Development in Opioid Use Disorder 05/19/2022 - Differences in opioid withdrawal symptoms and rationale for treatment options 03/17/2022 - The Changing Face of Substance Use Disorder Therapeutics 02/17/2022 - Peripartum Depression 01/06/2022 - Prescribing dilemma faced by the PCP, a quick look into substance use in the elderly 11/18/2021 - Initiating Behavior Change: The Critical Ingredients 11/04/2021 - The State of the Science on Adverse Childhood Events 10/07/2021 - Long-term effects of COVID-19 on mental health 09/16/21 - Highlights of the Galveston County Youth Risk Survey 09/02/2021 - Innovations in Suicide Risk Screening & Assessment 08/19/2021 - Psychological Assessment: Techniques and Tools for Medical Practitioners 08/05/2021 - The COVID-19 Pandemic and Behavioral Health - Part II 07/15/2021 - The COVID-19 Pandemic and Behavioral Health - Part I 07/01/2021 - Introduction