
The National Clinical Cohort Collaborative (N3C)

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About the National Clinical Cohort Collaborative (N3C)

During public health emergencies like COVID-19, science—and the process of turning observations into new therapies—must be translated faster than ever. Vast amounts of clinical data are being generated that could be used to advance research efforts focused on COVID-19. These datasets often become too large to share and the networks for data management are so dissimilar that they cannot be combined easily, creating roadblocks along the path to developing new treatments. With no standardized way to collect and harmonize all this data being generated, there is an urgent need for a COVID-19 analytics platform that can turn all this data into new knowledge that can speed research efforts across the country. Making data more meaningful, open and accessible is a key goal in NCATS’ efforts to improve translational science and advance research across many diseases.

A new effort called the National Clinical Cohort Collaborative, or N3C, aims to build a centralized national data resource—the NCATS N3C Data Enclave—that the research community can use to study COVID-19 and identify potential treatments as the pandemic continues to evolve. Specifically, the N3C will enable the rapid collection and analysis of clinical, laboratory and diagnostic data from hospitals and health care plans. If successful, this approach will be applicable to other research questions and may serve as a model for addressing future public health emergencies.

The N3C is a partnership among the NCATS-supported Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) Program hubs and the National Center for Data to Health (CD2H), with overall stewardship by NCATS. Collaborators will contribute and use COVID-19 clinical data to answer critical research questions to address the pandemic. For more information on the program, please see https://ncats.nih.gov/n3c.

N3C Data Enclave

The N3C Data Enclave is a secure platform through which the harmonized clinical data provided by our contributing members is stored. The data itself can only be accessed through a secure cloud portal hosted by NCATS and cannot be downloaded or removed. N3C invites you to begin your journey with the Enclave and join the collaborative efforts of our partners to better understand and address the most pressing COVID-19 clinical questions.

Help make science go faster and save lives.

National Clinical Cohort Collaborative (N3C) at UTMB’s Institute for Translational Sciences